doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-1-93-100

Dimensionality reduction of the attributes using fuzzy optimized independent component analysis for a Big Data Intrusion Detection System

R. Aswanandini, C. Deepa

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For citation:
Aswanandini R., Deepa Ch. Dimensionality reduction of the attributes using fuzzy optimized independent component analysis for a Big Data Intrusion Detection System. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2022, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 93–100. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-1-93-100

Big data cybersecurity has garnered more attraction in recent years with the development of advanced machine learning and deep learning classifiers. These new classifier algorithms have significantly improved Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). In these classifiers, the performance is positively influenced by high relevant features while less relevant features negatively influence the performance. However, considering all the attributes, especially the high dimensional attributes, increases computational complications. Hence it is essential to diminish the dimensionality of the attributes to improve the classifier performance. To achieve this objective, an efficient dimensionality reduction approach is presented through the development of the Fuzzy Optimized Independent Component Analysis (FOICA) technique. The standard Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is coupled with the fuzzy entropy to transform the high dimension attributes into low dimension attributes and helps in selecting high informative low-dimensional attributes. These selected features are fed to efficient hybrid classifiers namely Hyper-heuristic Support Vector Machines (HH-SVM), Hyper-Heuristic Improved Particle Swarm Optimization based Support Vector Machines (HHIPSO-SVM) and Hyper-Heuristic Firefly Algorithm based Convolutional Neural Networks (HHFA-CNN) to classify the cybersecurity data to identify the intrusions. Experiments are conducted over two cybersecurity datasets and real-time laboratory data whose outcomes specify the supremacy of the suggested IDS model based on FOICA dimensionality reduction.

Keywords: big intrusion data, cybersecurity, intrusion detection system, independent component analysis, dimensionality reduction, hyper-heuristic firefly algorithm, convolutional neural networks, NSL-KDD

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