
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-2-294-301
Algorithm for energy-efficient interaction of wireless sensor network nodes
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Tatarnikova T.M., Bimbetov F., Gorina E.V. Algorithm for energy-efficient interaction of wireless sensor network nodes. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2022, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 294–301 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-2-294-301
The actual problem of developing methods of interaction in wireless sensor networks focused on energy saving is discussed. It is shown that the operation of a wireless sensor network is built taking into account compromise mechanisms that make it possible to extend the life of the network in the presence of low-power sensor nodes on which the network is built. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce new algorithms into the operation of wireless sensor networks, which make it possible to reduce the number of operations when calculating a route, transmitting data, or other operations without losing functionality, but contributing to a reduction in energy consumption. The paper proposes one of such algorithms that develops the idea of clustering wireless sensor networks in order to reduce the power consumption of sensor nodes by transferring some of the functions to the head nodes of the clusters. Unlike the well-known adaptive clustering algorithm with low energy consumption LEACH, the proposed algorithm is based on swarm intelligence and allows choosing not only the head nodes of clusters in the current round of functioning of the wireless sensor network, but also promising nodes that become heads of clusters in subsequent rounds. If we consider that one cycle of the wireless sensor network consists of a certain predetermined number of rounds, then the procedure for searching for cluster heads can be performed not at the beginning of each round, but only at the beginning of each cycle of the wireless sensor network. It is shown that the determination of the heads of wireless sensor network clusters in the future allows to reduce the total energy consumption and thereby increase the duration of the network life cycle. The advantage of adding the bee swarm algorithm to the wireless sensor network clustering procedure is demonstrated in terms of such indicators as the time of death of the first sensor node, the dependence of the number of functioning nodes on the network operation time and the data packet delivery coefficient. The wireless sensor network clustering procedure with the addition of the bee swarm algorithm to select cluster heads for the future can be useful when deploying a wireless sensor network in real applications.
Keywords: wireless sensor network, energy efficiency, clustering, cluster head, sensor node, bee swarm algorithm, life cycl
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