doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-3-528-537

Cloud-based intelligent monitoring system to implement mask violation detection and alert simulation

V. Komal, M. Lalith, T. Arun Kumar, J. Jayashree, J. Vijayashree

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For citation:
Komal Venugopal V., Lalith M., Arun Kumar T., Jayashree J., Vijayashree J. Cloud-based intelligent monitoring system to implement mask violation detection and alert simulation. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2022, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 528–537. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-3-528-537

The importance of wearing a mask in public places came to light when the COVID-19 pandemic has started due to the coronavirus. To strictly control the spread of the virus, wearing a mask is mandatory to avoid getting the virus through others or spreading the virus to others if we are carrying it. Since it’s not possible to check each individual in public places whether he/she is wearing a mask, this paper proposed a face mask detection using Deep Learning (DL) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) techniques. A cloud-based approach that adopted DL is used to identify the persons violating the rules. The dataset used in the work is collected from various studies, such as Prajnasb/observations and Kaggle’s Face Mask Detection Dataset that contains images of people wearing and not wearing masks. The faces in the images will be detected and cropped with the help of a trained face detector which will be used for checking whether the face in the image is wearing a mask or not. Face mask detection is done with the help of CNN. The input image is fed into the CNN and the output is binary format, whether person wearing or not wearing a mask. The work uses Max Pooling and Average Pooling layers of CNN. The outcome of the work shows that the proposed method achieves 98 % of accuracy using Max Pooling which is better than the currently available works.

Keywords: convolutional neural networks, CNN, PyTorch, deep learning, cloud

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