doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2024-24-2-198-207

Adaptive suboptimal control problem and its variational solution

A. V. Blazhenov, A. A. Vedyakov, E. V. Milovanovich, O. V. Slita, V. Y. Tertychny-Dauri

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For citation:
Blazhenov A.V., Vedyakov A.A., Milovanovich E.V., Slita O.V., Tertychny-Dauri V.Yu. Adaptive suboptimal control problem and its variational solution. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2024, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 198–207 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2024-24-2-198-207

A suboptimal cross-border problem is considered about nonlinear dynamic controlled systems under deterministic, uniformly bounded external unknown disturbances. The problem is solved by applying the methods of classical variations calculus for the case when the time interval of adaptation and optimization is not set in advance. The necessary conditions for the choice of extreme motion are determined due to the proper formation of a closed suboptimal adaptive control system. The theoretical analysis is supplemented with computer calculations using a specific model example, which showed effectiveness of the considered approach. The proposed scheme of suboptimal adaptive synthesis can be used in the calculations and design of nonlinear controlled dynamic systems.

Keywords: dynamic system, quality functional, Lagrange multipliers, suboptimal control, adaptation, Euler equations, transversality condition

Acknowledgements. The work was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, state assignment passport 2019-0898.

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