A. G. Korobeynikov, Y. A. Gatchin, K. V. Dukelskii, E. V. Ter-Nersesyantz

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The paper deals with results of the technology process development for the microstructured fiber light guides. Light guides with one or two cycles of the openings, processed by two-phase technology were created during carried out research. The use of two cycles makes it possible to decrease attenuation to 0.5 dB/m on excitation wavelength. The experiments show that effluence efficiency correlates with thickness of depressed cover – the more is thickness of a cover, the less are losses. The basic technology of perforated fiber light guides creation from quartz glass with four cycles of the openings, based on twophase process was developed. Unlike perforated light guides with a single-element core in the developed systems with equal diameters of a core the step of structures is two and three times less. It gives the possibility to receive big resistance of radiation to indignations of a light-guide path. At a problem definition of receiving the microstructured fiber with small value of the relation of an opening diameter of a constructional cover to a step of structure and/or with rather small step of structure single-stage process as in this case in initial assembly it is possible to use capillaries with small size internal diameter. Researches were conducted to search technological conditions for minimum attenuation of a certain type radiation in the microstructured light guides. The main way to receive answers about influence of the technological scheme on radiation attenuation is comparison of one - and two-phase methods of microstructured light guides creation. Dependence of radiation losses in light guides from temperature of capillaries extract was defined. Comparison of capillaries cleaning methods in perforated light guides is carried out. Methods of radiation attenuation decrease are offered.

Keywords: optical fiber, microstructured fiber light guides, radiation attenuation

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