A. A. Dergachev

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The paper deals with the problems related to the usage of relational database management system (RDBMS), mainly in the analysis of large data content, including data analysis based on web services in the Internet. A solution of these problems can be represented as a web-oriented distributed system of the data analysis with the processor of service requests as an executive kernel. The functions of such system are similar to the functions of relational DBMS, only with the usage of web services. The processor of service requests is responsible for planning of data analysis web services calls and their execution. The efficiency of such web-oriented system depends on the efficiency of web services calls plan and their program implementation where the basic element is the facilities of analyzed data storage – relational DBMS. The main attention is given to extension of functionality of relational DBMS for the analysis of large data content, in particular, the perspective estimation of web services data analysis implementation on the basis of SQL/MapReduce platform. With a view of obtaining this result, analytical task was chosen as an application-oriented part, typical for data analysis in various social networks and web portals, based on data analysis of users’ attendance. In the practical part of this research the algorithm for planning of web services calls was implemented for application-oriented task solution. SQL/MapReduce platform efficiency is confirmed by experimental results that show the opportunity of effective application for data analysis web services.

Keywords: data analysis, web services, SQL, MapReduce, DBMS

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