A. Saenko, V. M. Musalimov, S. Lerm, G. Linss

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The paper deals with an actual problem of ensuring the control of foodstuff quality by means of machine learning methods. Existing analysis methods require special laboratory environment, significant time and depend on the qualification and some physiological characteristics of an expert while the suggested method gives the possibility to decrease significantly the costs due to automatization. The mobile analysis platform performing this method is based on the fluorescence microscopy. The problem of the object classification as either “bacterium” or “third-party artifact” was solved for the test data with some classification algorithms as support vector machine, random forest, decision tree C4.5, k-nearest neighbors, Bayes method. The analysis showed that the most effective algorithms are support vector machine and random forest. This research is performed on the Mechatronics Department of Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics and the Quality Assurance and Industrial Image Processing Department of Ilmenau University of Technology with the support of the program “Mikhail Lomonosov” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the German Academic Exchange Service.

Keywords: machine learning, bacteria detection

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