I. Perminov, T. Paltashev

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High color depth images can more accurately reproduce colors and smooth color transitions without banding artifacts, especially for wide color gamut devices. The paper deals with texture compression with 10-bit color depth applied in 3D graphics. A method for storing of such textures in standard BC7 blocks is proposed. The example of BC7 block applicable for storing of smooth texture information with an accuracy exceeding 8-bit is also given. The proposed approach has a backward compatibility with current hardware. Additional hardware cost to support 10-bit decoding is expected to be low. An overview of developed software for compressor based on bc7_gpu is given. Comparison of PSNR and RMSE shows that the proposed compressor provides better quality for 10-bit textures; compressing errors become less for images with high color depth.

Keywords: texture compression, BC7, block compression, color depth, Direct3D

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