L. Сherevan, Тозик В.Т.

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The paper deals with the ability of modern display monitors to reproduce full color range of classical oil paintings. The models of the standard color gamuts of modern monitors are represented by visualization in CIELab color coordinate system. Pure mineral pigments are proved to be more saturated than oil colors. Therefore, reproduction ability of pure saturated pigments ensures the full range reproduction of oil colors. 75 color coordinates of pure pigments are obtained by means of the spectrophotometry method. The measured coordinates displacement is shown as compared with the color gamuts of standard monitors. The quantitative method of reliability estimation for the reproducing of full color ranges of classical oil paintings is developed. The method consists of color differences calculating for out-of-gamut colors (measuring that of the reference coordinate against the closest one inside the gamut) and comparing the results with the standard threshold color difference. It is proved that sRGB monitor does not represent effectively the full color range of classical oil paintings, and AdobeRGB monitor reproduces satisfactorily the full range of colors (with the difference below the threshold of human perception). Developed quantitative method can be applied for any kind of monitor estimation.

Keywords: monitors, color, color coordinates, CIE, CIEXYZ, CIELab, screen reproduction

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