V. M. Medunetskiy, S. V. Solk

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The paper deals with application and further progress of diamond micro-turning technology (DT) based on the experience obtained in S&R Institute for Optoelectronic Instrument Engineering and compiled from literary sources. It is pointed out that the diamond turning technology is nowadays mainly used for shaping of the optical elements (OE) working surfaces, manufacturing of kinoforms, elements of fine mechanics and decorative processing. New DT applications are: shaping of the die mold working surfaces, combined technologies, making it possible to combine the shaping technologies and assembling of the optical mechanical systems (OMS), research into technological hereditary, consisting in studies of the surface diffraction structure machined by diamond turning, shaping of the OE working surfaces with astigmatism of the desired value and direction being used in the deeply cooled OMS. Perspective lines of DT development are given, such as production of machines based on the new kinematic schemes, chemical and electrochemical polishing of the OE working surfaces after DT with the aim to decrease roughness and to make irregular relief in visible and near-infrared spectral ranges, development of DT technologies for creation of new materials and improvement of the known technologies taking into account the concepts about the state of the surface layer, creation of regular nanorelief for generation of the surface electromagnetic waves to provide the surface properties control.

Keywords: diamond micro-turning, combined technologies, research into technological hereditary, die mold, surface electromagnetic waves, chemical and electrochemical polishing

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