A. M. Dzitoev, Y. V. Lapovok, S. I. Khankov

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Thermal balance of spherical space object in a near-earth space is investigated. Analytical description of stationary average temperature of such object in view of the existence of internal sources of thermal emissions and sunlight absorbed by its surface is received. Mathematical model, describing thermal balance of space object, is presented by the uniform equation combining two private models. One model considers heat irradiation from the object into space and radiation towards the Earth as well. The second one considers a shielding of a radiation stream into space by the Earth only. The choice of a model is defined by the direction of resultant radiation stream between object and the Earth. Functions describing high-rise dependences of temperature for space object of the spherical form are received. In the Earth shadow the choice of a model and the formulas, describing temperature for space object, is defined by the value of specific power of thermal emissions and its temperature level. On a solar site of a trajectory the choice of high-rise function type depends also on the ratio between coefficient of sunlight absorption and the degree of blackness for object surface. Criteria are offered making it possible to choose the function type, describing the relative change of object temperature with the height growth, prior to the beginning of calculations. Results of calculations carried out with the usage of high-rise functions, following from two models, are presented, and the limits of applicability for these functions are specified. Deduced analytical formulas give the possibility to calculate the temperature of spherical space object. Received conclusions are correct for convex form objects of standard configurations.

Keywords: thermal balance, space object, object thermal mode in a near space

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