K. A. Konev, G. R. Shakirova

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The paper deals with the development of meta-situational modeling concept in the field of formalized description of nondeterministic socio-economic processes in relation to education. The goal of the paper is to increase the efficiency and optimization of decision-making procedure, in general, and informational support for formalized processes, in particular. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to introduce the concept and methodology of modeling as meta-situational integration situation (event) and ontological (semantic) approaches. It is assumed that the two-level description of the situation (at declarative and descriptive levels) will give the possibility for varying levels of abstraction in relation to process and get access to data and knowledge about it at that stage, when it is objectively necessary. Another obvious advantage of the proposed approach is simplicity of implementation due to a widespread situation and ontological approaches and, consequently, their formalization methods (mathematical apparatus) and instrumental software implementation (programming languages, display formats, etc.). To verify the efficiency of the proposed meta-situational approach, a typical example of weakly formalized situations is considered - one of the options assessment tools traditionally used in education. Both components of the process are described in detail: situational one, specifying stepwise development procedures and ontological, characterizing taxonomic aspect of the process. The order of a formalized description for meta-situational model structure based on data representation formats similar to XML (category "Semantic Web") is determined.

Keywords: situational approach, meta-situational models, decision-making, taxonomy, OWL

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