Kon Igor I.

Work place: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 236041, Russian Federation
Post: Junior Researcher
E-mail: IKon@kantiana.ru
Scopus ID: 57218930458
ORCID: 0000-0003-3271-1635
Matveeva K. I., Zyubin A. Y., Kon I. I., Samusev I. G.
Influence of the dimension, geometry, and orientation of nanostructures on the distribution of the electric field in matters of enhancing of Raman scattering

The article was published in issue 5, volume 22, 2022
Zyubin A. Y., Kon I. I., Kundalevich A. A., Demishkevich E. A., Matveeva K. I., Zozulya A. S., Evtifeev D. O., Poltorabatko D. A., Samusev I. G.
Optical properties of planar plasmon active surfaces modified with gold nanostars

The article was published in issue 5, volume 22, 2022
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