Requirements for variables on figures and graphics are specified in “Design of Variables and Formulas”.

Coordinate axes should be marked according to the following pattern: “Variable name, units” (not “Variable name (units)”), for example, “Time, s”, “Size of Dataset, kB”, or “Freq, THz”. Scale should be marked out on the coordinate axes. Graphs are allowed to be viewed on a linear scale, logarithmic and semi-logarithmic scale. At least three points should be shown on the coordinate axis for scale indication. Points corresponding to measurements should be necessarily indicated on experimental charts. The calculated curves are shown, as a rule, without calculated points. In the “legend” or captions it should be explained which curves are obtained experimentally, and which ones - by calculation. Coordinate scale or plotting scale should be shown in the photographs (similar to the scale of the map). If photographs are used as figures, it is necessary to show a scale grid or show a scale bar (similar to the scale of maps). 

Figures are usually accepted for publication as black-and-white pictures and grey scale photos. Color figures are allowed exceptionally. Their usage is possible only if the color has certain numerical information (for example, color temperature scale) or shows some image originality.

Figures should have captions. The figure caption must have the following pattern: “Fig. #. Name of figure” (Fig. # in italic, not bold; Name – in regular font). The reference to the figure in the text must look like “… in Fig. 2 …”. Availability (presence) of captions is mandatory, even if the figure is following straight after the mention of it in the text. Captions should not be inserted into the body (object) of the figure. Avoid names like “Current-voltage dependence” instead of “Current-voltage characteristic”. All figures should be referenced in the text at least once. Numbering of figures is continuous through the text of the paper.

If the figure (graph) presents several charts, footnotes should be done on the figure itself (in numerals or letter symbols) and the decryption is given as either “a legend” on the figure or in the caption. Avoid color images; their usage is possible only if the color has certain numerical information. Color is not recommended for “marking” charts.

Sometimes it is reasonable to combine some pictures which follow one another into one figure with numeration “a”, “b”, “с”, etc. since our journal has 2-column layout and layout designer can place drawings side by side.

“Screenshots” are not allowed to be used as graphics. As an exception, screenshots are permitted to illustrate the operation of software products. In this case, the quality of the screenshots should allow size reduction at printing without losses in quality and legibility of images. Algorithms should be represented using graphical editors (like Word or Visio, as a rule).

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