1)    References to national monographs

Miroshnic I.V., Nikiforov V.O., Fradkov A.L. Non-linear adaptive control of complex dynamical systems. SPb.: Nauka, 2000. 549 p.

Melnikov V.G., Melnikov G.I., Ivanov S.E. Computing technologies in mechanics of instrumental systems: Textbook/ Edited by V.G.  Melnikov. SPb.: SPbSU ITMO, 2006. 127 p.

2)    References to foreign monographs

Brekhovskikh L. Waves in Layered Media. NY: Academic Press, 1960. 574 p.

Palpant B. Third-order nonlinear optical response of metal nanoparticles // Non-Linear Optical Properties of Matter / Eds M.G. Papadopoulos, A.J. Sadlej, J. Leszczynski. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. V. 1. P. 461–508.

3)    References to copyright certificates and patents

Novichkov R.M., Vakshtejn M.S., Nodova E.L., Manjashin A.O., Taraskina I.I. Method for Synthesis of Semiconductor Quantum Dots. Patent, RU 2381304, 2010.

4)    References to national journal papers and collections of papers

Furtat I.B. Robust syncronization of dynamic network with disturbances compensation// Automation and telemechanics. 2011. No 12. P. 104-114.

Koporskiy N.S., Vidin B.V., Zharinov I.O. System for onboard cartographic information of manned aircrafts. Basic principles// Collection of studies from the 10th International conference "Theory and technology of programming and information security". SPb: SPbSU ITMO, 2006. P.18-23.

5)    References to foreign journal papers

Donatelli M., Estatico C., Martinelli A., Serra-Capizzano S. Improved image deblurring with anti-reflective boundary conditions and re-blurring // Inverse Problems. 2006. V. 22. N 6. P. 2035–2053.

Mirkin B., Gutman P.-O. Lyapunov-based adaptive output-feedback control of MIMO nonlinear plants with unknown, time-varying state delays // Proc. 9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems. Prague, Czech Republic, 2010. Part. 1. P. 33–38.

6)    References to electronic resources

Tukkel N.I., Shalyto A.A. Control system for diesel-generator set (fragment).

Programming with explicit state selection. Project documents. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:, free. Russian lang. (access data 02/09/2011).


The editors recommend giving references to electronic resources in limited cases, mainly if they contain indication on scientific papers, published solely in electronic form. In other cases (references to websites, reference materials, home pages of the sites) we advise you to have page references (in-text footnotes).

7)    References to thesis works

Yu. D. Bednyy Genetic algorithm application for automata generation at the maximum likelihood model design and in control problems.Master's thesis. – SPb ITMO, 2008 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode::, free. Russian lang. (access data 02/09/2011).

8)    References to standards

ISO 4287:1997. Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) – Surface texture: Profile method – Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters. 01.04.1997. Geneva, International Organization for Standardization. 35 p.

The editors recommend giving references to standards in the form of page references.

All references are given in the original language.

If the publication has got digital object identifier (doi), it is put down at the end of the reference as given below  

doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-6-976-983

The presence of doi at the end of the reference decreases significantly the possibility of reference drop while the paper reprinting and editing.

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