V. G. Chafonova, I. V. Gazeeva

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Two new complementary methods of stereo pair images formation are proposed. The first method is based on finding the maximum correlation between the gradient images of the left and right frames. The second one implies the
finding of the shift between two corresponding key points of images for a stereo pair found by a detector of point features. These methods give the possibility to set desired values of vertical and horizontal parallaxes for the selected object in the image. Application of these methods makes it possible to measure the parallax values for the objects on the final stereo pair in pixels and / or the percentage of the total image size. It gives the possibility to predict the possible excesses in parallax values while stereo pair printing or projection. The proposed methods are easily automated after object selection, for which a predetermined value of the horizontal parallax will be exposed. Stereo pair images superposition using the key points takes less than one second. The method with correlation application requires a little bit more computing time, but makes it possible to control and superpose undivided anaglyph image. The proposed methods of stereo pair formation can find their application in programs for editing and processing images of a stereo pair, in the monitoring devices for shooting cameras and in the devices for video sequence quality assessment.

Keywords: vertical and horizontal parallax, stereo image, stereo pair images, correlation, gradient

Acknowledgements. The work has been carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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