
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
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Article in Russian
Subject of research. The research goal and scope are development of methods and software for mathematical and computer modeling of the regional security information support systems as multilevel hierarchical systems. Such systems are characterized by loosely formalization, multiple-aspect of descendent system processes and their interconnectivity, high level dynamics and uncertainty. The research methodology is based on functional-target approach and principles of multilevel hierarchical system theory. The work considers analysis and structural-algorithmic synthesis problem-solving of the multilevel computer-aided systems intended for management and decision-making information support in the field of regional security. Main results. A hierarchical control multilevel model of regional socio-economic system complex security has been developed. The model is based on functional-target approach and provides both formal statement and solving, and practical implementation of the automated information system structure and control algorithms synthesis problems of regional security management optimal in terms of specified criteria. An approach for intralevel and interlevel coordination problem-solving in the multilevel hierarchical systems has been proposed on the basis of model application. The coordination is provided at the expense of interconnection requirements satisfaction between the functioning quality indexes (objective functions), which are optimized by the different elements of multilevel systems. That gives the possibility for sufficient coherence reaching of the local decisions, being made on the different control levels, under decentralized decision-making and external environment high dynamics. Recurrent model application provides security control mathematical models formation of regional socioeconomic systems, functioning under uncertainty. Practical relevance. The model implementation makes it possible to automate synthesis realization of the software executive environment for decision-making information and analytical support in the field of regional security. The model can find further application within mathematical and computer modeling methodology development of the multilevel hierarchical systems for security control of complex systems.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, multilevel hierarchical system, control, coordination, recurrent model, regional security, decision-making support
Acknowledgements. Findings of this investigation are received within the bounds of research works carried out according to research plans of the Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project №01201452426 "Methods and cognitive technologies for engineering, analysis and application of the virtual systems for complex security management support of the of the Russian Federation Arctic zone development"). The authors express their thanks to their lab colleagues for assistance and participation within the comprehensive discussion of the research results.
Acknowledgements. Findings of this investigation are received within the bounds of research works carried out according to research plans of the Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project №01201452426 "Methods and cognitive technologies for engineering, analysis and application of the virtual systems for complex security management support of the of the Russian Federation Arctic zone development"). The authors express their thanks to their lab colleagues for assistance and participation within the comprehensive discussion of the research results.
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