doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-2-196-201


E. A. Nikulina, V. A. Zverev

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Article in Russian

For citation: Nikulina E.A., Zverev V.A. Study of birefringence influence on image quality of photolithography systems in view of partially-coherent light source. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 196–201. (in Russian)

Subject of study. A vector model for conversion of electromagnetic radiation in optical systems is considered, taking into account the influence of birefringence, as well as partially coherent illumination.
Model. The proposed model is based on the representation of the complex amplitude of the monochromatic field through thesuperposition of basic plane waves. Transmitted light image with partially coherent illumination is performed by the sourceintegration method.
Main results. The results of simulation for the point spread function are demonstrating the level of the birefringence influence on the image quality. In the presence of the wave aberration about 0.098 of the wavelength, the wave energy loss in the center of the Airy disk with an average birefringence of 4 nm/cm was 8%, and at 16 nm/cm it reached 30%. The calculation of the point spread function for a real sample of fluorite is given. The central peak of the PSF without birefringence was 0.722, with regard to birefringence it was equal to 0.701.
Practical significance. The findings can be used in the development of photolithographic lenses, as well as for the manufacturing of any other optical systems that require consideration of the polarization properties of the materials. 

Keywords: birefringence, polarization, aberration, point spread function.

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