doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-2-300-304


V. A. Bogatyrev, A. V. Bogatyrev

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For citation: Вogatyrev V.A., Вogatyrev A.V. Frequency optimization for security monitoring оf computer systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 2, pp. 300–304.


The subject areas of the proposed research are monitoring facilities for protection of computer systems exposed to destructive attacks of accidental and malicious nature. The interval optimization model of test monitoring for the detection of hazardous states of security breach caused by destructive attacks is proposed. Optimization function is to maximize profit in case of requests servicing in conditions of uncertainty, and intensity variance of the destructive attacks including penalties when servicing of requests is in dangerous conditions. The vector task of system availability maximization and minimization of probabilities for its downtime and dangerous conditions is proposed to be reduced to the scalar optimization problem based on the criterion of profit maximization from information services (service of requests) that integrates these private criteria. Optimization variants are considered with the definition of the averaged periodic activities of monitoring and adapting of these periods to the changes in the intensity of destructive attacks. Adaptation efficiency of the monitoring frequency to changes in the activity of the destructive attacks is shown. The proposed solutions can find their application for optimization of test monitoring intervals to detect hazardous conditions of security breach that makes it possible to increase the system effectiveness, and specifically, to maximize the expected profit from information services.

Keywords: Markov model, monitoring, hazardous conditions, destructive attacks, optimization, testing intervals.

Acknowledgements. The work is carried out within S&R engineering "Methods and Models for Integrated Security and Robustness of Computer Systems".

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