doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-4-603-607


T. V. Ivanova, G. E. Romanova, T. I. Zhukova, Y. E. Stepanov, I. I. Bondar, R. O. Dantsaranov

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For citation: Ivanova T.V., Romanova G.E., Zhukova T.I., Stepanov Ya.E., Bondar I.I., Dantsaranov R.O. Aspherical surfaces approximation in automated design of optical systems. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol.15, no. 4, pp. 603–607.

Subject of Research. The paper deals with the problems of higher order aspherical surfaces approximation using different equation types. The objects of research are two types of equations for higher order aspherical surfaces description used in different software for optical systems design (SАRО, OPAL, ZEMAX, CODE-V, etc.) and dependent on z-coordinate or on a radial coordinate on the surface. Conversion from one type of equations to another is considered in view of application in different software for optical systems design. Methods. The subject matter of the method lies in usage of mean square method approximation for recalculation of high-order aspherical surface. Iterative algorithm for recalculation is presented giving the possibility to recalculate coefficients for different types of equations with required accuracy. Recommendations are given for choosing recalculation parameters such as the number of result equation coefficients, the number of points for recalculation and point allocation on a surface. Main Results. Example of recalculation for aspherical surface and accuracy estimation, including result aberration comparison between initial surface and recalculated surface are presented. The example has shown that required accuracy of surface representation was obtained. Practical Relevance. This technique is usable for recalculation of higher order aspherical surfaces in various types of software for optical systems design and also for research of optimal higher order aspherical surfaces description.

Keywords: aspherical surfaces, approximation, least-square method, optical system design software, ZEMAX.

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