doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-5-782-788


P. Y. Rogov, M. A. Knyazev, V. G. Bespalov

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Article in Russian

For citation: Rogov P.Yu., Knyazev M.A., Bespalov V.G. Research of linear and nonlinear processes at femtosecond laser radiation propagation in the medium simulating the human eye vitreous. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 782–788


The paper deals with mathematical model of linear and nonlinear processes occurring at the propagation of femtosecond laser pulses in the vitreous of the human eye. Methods of computing modeling are applied for the nonlinear spectral equation solution describing the dynamics of a two-dimensional TE-polarized radiation in a homogeneous isotropic medium with cubic fast-response nonlinearity without the u retina when passing through the vitreous body of the eye. Dependence between the pulse duration on the retina has been revealed and the duration of the input pulse and the values of power density at which there is self-focusing have been found. It is shown that the main mechanism of radiation damage with the use of titanium-sapphire laser is photoionization. The results coincide with those obtained by the other scientists, and are usable for creation Russian laser safety standards for femtosecond laser systems.sage of slowly varying envelope approximation. Environments close to the optical media parameters of the eye were used for the simulation. The model of femtosecond radiation propagation takes into account the process dynamics for dispersion broadening of pulses in time and the occurence of the self-focusing near the 

Keywords: laser safety, femtosecond radiation, self-focusing, dispersion spreading, vitreous humor

Acknowledgements. Results of this work were obtained within the framework of the state order No.1675.2014/K of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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