doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-5-900-906


I. I. Naumchik, I. Y. Kinzhagulov, A. P. Kren, K. A. Stepanova

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For citation: Naumchik I.V., Kinzhagulov I.Yu., Kren А.P., Stepanova К.А. Mass flow meter for liquids. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 900–906.


Subject of Study. The paper deals with problems of determination for the mass flow rate of corrosive and unstable liquids, taking into account their actual density. Methods. Experimental and theoretical research method is proposed for the appearance justification of constriction flow meter for liquids based on the Venturi tube. Main Results. A new design of constriction flow meter for liquids based on the Venturi tube has been developed, outstanding with a device for measuring the density of liquid that makes it possible to determine its mass flow. Mass flow meter for liquids keeps versatility thanks to the combined composition; only constriction device is changing in its design, being calculated for a given composition of the liquid. Obtained dependencies of sound velocity on the controlled liquid concentration, gave the possibility to determine its actual density and pass on to mass flow calculation. Practical Relevance. Research results are usable in the design of mass flow meters for liquids, particularly, for corrosive and unstable ones. 

Keywords: mass flow meter, Venturi tube, corrosive liquid, constriction device.

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