Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-6-1122-1129
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For citation: Koveshnikov M.G., Shcheglov K.A., Shcheglov A.Yu. Method and abstract model for control and access rights by requests redirection. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1122–1129.
We have researched implementation problems of control and access rights of subjects to objects in modern computer systems. We have suggested access control method based on objects access requests redirection. The method possesses a distinctive feature as compared to discretional access control. In case when a subject needs to deny writing (object modification), it is not denied but redirected (access rights are not changed, but operation is performed with another object). This gives the possibility to implement access policies to system objects without breaking the system and applications operability, and share correctly access objects between subjects. This important property of suggested access control method enables to solve fundamentally new system objects securing problems like system resources virtualization aimed to protect system objects from users’ and applications attacks. We have created an abstract model, and it shows that this method (access control from subjects to objects based on requests redirection) can be used as self-sufficient access control method, implementing any access control policy (from subjects to objects), thus being an alternative to discretional access control method.
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