Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-6-1139-1146
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For citation: Steputin A.N., Romashenkov N.O., Fokin G.A. LTE offloading through WiFi networks. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1139–1146.
The subject of the article is Wi-Fi offloading of LTE networks as one of the methods for solving a problem of the lack of availability of network resources in the future. Comparison of mobile networks offloading technologies, such as femtocells, Small Cells and Wi-Fi, is given. Architecture of cooperative LTE+Wi-Fi network including both new network components and new functions for standard LTE network components is presented as well as interaction between components. Special attention is paid to the usage of mobile IP protocols providing connection to the LTE Core both by trusted and untrusted Wi-Fi access. Evaluation of implementation effectiveness and prospective of the technology is given. The relation between amounts of users reconnected to Wi-Fi, data rate of LTE network and amount of access points are submitted as a part of the simulation of user’s equipment transition process from LTE to Wi-Fi network. A conclusion based on the research is made that stepwise phase-in of this technology enables to solve the problem of mobile network resources shortage in metropolises due to permanent traffic growth. It is presented that access points addition and transference of the customers to Wi-Fi network significantly reduce the overload on the base station herewith it increases some data rate with preservation of quality of provided services.
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