doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-3-513-523


P. V. Bulat, M. P. Bulat, I. I. Esakov, I. A. Volobuev, L. P. Grachev, P. V. Denissenko

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For citation: Bulat P.V., Bulat M.P., Esakov I.I., Volobuev I.A., Grachev L.P., Denissenko P.V. Environmentally friendly method of gaseous fuel combustion with the use of quasi-optical microwave. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 513–523. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-2-513-523


Subject of Research.The paper deals with the problem of developing low emission combustors operating on natural gas or LPG, to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides NOx. The possibility of burning very lean fuel mixtures is studied. To initiate the ignition and combustion stabilization the discharge generated by the quasi-optical microwave is used. Main Results. Initiating ignition by streamer microwave discharge increases the rate of combustion and combustion efficiency about four times as compared with the conventional spark ignition. Streamer discharge ignition by very lean fuel-air mixture is demonstrated with the factor of oxiding agent excess greater than the limit of explosive range under normal conditions. According to indirect indicators, ignition by microwave discharge created by quasi-optical radiation is of non-thermal nature. Microwave discharge excites oxygen atoms, and intense ultra-violet radiation is generated as a result that causes formation of cold nonequilibrium plasma with avalanche growth of free electrons. Streamer discharge propagates at a speed of 5 km /s, so the initiation of the ignition occurs immediately throughout. The temperature of the fuel mixture at the point of ignition initiation does not exceed 400 К.There is no area with a temperature sufficient to initiate thermal Zeldovich mechanism of emission of nitrogen oxides. Combustion rate is high. As a result the Fenimore mechanism of "fast nitrogen oxides" has no chance to be progressing, and NOx emissions in appreciable quantities are excluded. Energy costs are comparable with spark ignition.Practical Relevance. The studied technology is designed for low emission internal combustion engines, power gas turbines, gas compressor units, fueled by natural gas.

Keywords: ecology, low-emission combustion chambers, quasi-optical microwave radiation, cold nonequilibrium plasma, lean-burn, emission of nitrogen oxides

Acknowledgements. The study was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (agreement No 14.575.21.0057, unique applied research identifier RFMEFI57514X0057)


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