Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-4-613-619
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For citation: Tikhmenev N.V., Zakurnaev S.A., Ozarenko A.V., Bystritsky V.S., Myagkov S.A., Stolyarov R.A., Chechetov K.E., Korshunov S.E. Influence of surface treatment and purification methods of CO-115M glass-ceramics on optical contact strength. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 613–619. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2016-16-4-613-619
Subject of Research.We present findings of the optical contact for details made of СО-115Мglass-ceramics brand mark. The optical contact is the main method of joining parts made of CO-115M glass-ceramics brand mark in commercially available laser gyros. The existing technology has a number of unresolved issues related to the durability of the optical contact, that determine the tightness of the laser sensor internal volume. Method. Mechanical strength control of the optical contact consisted in the measurement of specific tear force of the connection. Mechanical strength tests of the optical contact were carried out with the use of RMI-250 tensile testing machine. The evenly increasing load of 50 N/s was applied to the samples in mechanical tests. The value with the occurence of the optical contact destruction was registered. Main Results. We have shown that one of the main factors determining the mechanical strength of the joint is cleanliness of the surfaces being connected. Comparison of the influence of different surface cleaning methods for optical elements on the optical contact durability has been given. The negative impact of even short-term storage of optical parts after washing on the assembly strength has been shown. The additional operation of mechanical polishing of surfaces of stored optical parts before connection enabled significantly reducing the scatter of the optical contact mechanical strength. We have also established experimentally that the heating of assembly of optical elements under vacuum at a temperature of 300°C leads to the twofold increase in the optical contact strength, while the optical contact remains separable. Practical Relevance. The carried out studies make it possible to improve the technical and operational characteristics of the laser gyroes. The use of additional mechanical cleaning of surfaces of optical parts and vacuum heating of the assembly in the process of laser sensor production may significantly improve the reliability, integrity, period of storage and operation.
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