Summaries of the Issue


We present analytical survey of state-of-the-art actual tasks in the area of computational paralinguistics, as well as the recent achievements of automatic systems for paralinguistic analysis of conversational speech. Paralinguistics studies non-verbal aspects of human communication and speech such as: natural emotions, accents, psycho-physiological states, pronunciation features, speaker’s voice parameters, etc. We describe architecture of a baseline computer system for acoustical paralinguistic analysis, its main components and useful speech processing methods. We present some information on an International contest called Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE), which is held each year since 2009 in the framework of the International conference INTERSPEECH organized by the International Speech Communication Association. We present sub-challenges (tasks) that were proposed at the ComParE Challenges in 2009-2016, and analyze winning computer systems for each sub-challenge and obtained results. The last completed ComParE-2015 Challenge was organized in September 2015 in Germany and proposed 3 sub-challenges: 1) Degree of Nativeness (DN) sub-challenge, determination of nativeness degree of speakers based on acoustics; 2) Parkinson's Condition (PC) sub-challenge, recognition of a degree of Parkinson’s condition based on speech analysis; 3) Eating Condition (EC) sub-challenge, determination of the eating condition state during speaking or a dialogue, and classification of consumed food type (one of seven classes of food) by the speaker. In the last sub-challenge (EC), the winner was a joint Turkish-Russian team consisting of the authors of the given paper. We have developed the most efficient computer-based system for detection and classification of the corresponding (EC) acoustical paralinguistic events. The paper deals with the architecture of this system, its main modules and methods, as well as the description of used training and evaluation audio data and the best obtained results on machine classification of these acoustic paralinguistic events.
HIGH-STABLE ERBIUM SUPERLUMINESCENT FIBER OPTICAL SOURCES CREATION METHODS Aleynik Artem S, Kikilich Nikita E., Kozlov Vitaly N., Vlasov Alexander A., Nikitenko Aleksander N.
We present the overview of wideband Erbium doped superluminescent fiber sources (EDSFS) creation methods. This type of optical sources is mainly used in navigation accuracy class fiber-optical gyroscopes (FOG) production. For this application an optical source should have small coherence length to reduce FOG output signal error rate. Output signal errors are caused by different parasitic effects: reverse Rayleigh scattering, optical components mode swapping, Kerr effect. Consequently, the most important characteristics of EDSFS are central wavelength time and wide temperature range stability and optical spectrum width and shape. The spectrum shape is needed to be close to the Gaussian distribution to minimize time coherence function. The paper deals with major EDSFS instability reasons and their most effective spectral parameters stabilization and optimization methods. We consider various methods of output optical radiation spectrum correction, and problems connected with output radiation residual polarization, the EDSFS principle of operation, structure and their basic construction schemes, the overview of Erbium-doped active fibers for EDSFS creation. The conclusions on most effective output optical radiation stabilization methods are drawn.


Subject of Research.The paper deals with operating principles of optical pulse target seekers based on quadrant photodiode when targets are located in short-range field region. Method. Target image shape and light intensity distribution can affect static characteristics and cause appearance of image energy maximums when targets are located in short-range field region. Physical modeling of static characteristics plotting process was carried out. The main idea of the proposed method lies in counting sums of image pixels intensities in every virtual area of the sensor while virtual frame of the whole photodetector is moving over the target image. Main Results. Most probable target illumination directions were analyzed. Critical distances when the first extra image energy maximum appears were calculated for every target illumination directions. Time of missile uncontrollable flight at a near miss distance was also estimated. Practical Relevance. Research results point out that using of control loop proper logic is required to provide reliable target shot down for active and semi-active laser homing systems. Also disabling of such systems should be carried out when targets are located in short-range field region.
INFLUENCE OF SURFACE TREATMENT AND PURIFICATION METHODS OF CO-115M GLASS-CERAMICS ON OPTICAL CONTACT STRENGTH Tikhmenev Nikolay V., Zakurnaev Sergey A., Ozarenko Alexander V., Bystritsky Vladislav S., Myagkov Sergey A., Stolyarov Roman A., Chechetov Kirill E., Korshunov Sergey E
Subject of Research.We present findings of the optical contact for details made of СО-115Мglass-ceramics brand mark. The optical contact is the main method of joining parts made of CO-115M glass-ceramics brand mark in commercially available laser gyros. The existing technology has a number of unresolved issues related to the durability of the optical contact, that determine the tightness of the laser sensor internal volume. Method. Mechanical strength control of the optical contact consisted in the measurement of specific tear force of the connection. Mechanical strength tests of the optical contact were carried out with the use of RMI-250 tensile testing machine. The evenly increasing load of 50 N/s was applied to the samples in mechanical tests. The value with the occurence of the optical contact destruction was registered. Main Results. We have shown that one of the main factors determining the mechanical strength of the joint is cleanliness of the surfaces being connected. Comparison of the influence of different surface cleaning methods for optical elements on the optical contact durability has been given. The negative impact of even short-term storage of optical parts after washing on the assembly strength has been shown. The additional operation of mechanical polishing of surfaces of stored optical parts before connection enabled significantly reducing the scatter of the optical contact mechanical strength. We have also established experimentally that the heating of assembly of optical elements under vacuum at a temperature of 300°C leads to the twofold increase in the optical contact strength, while the optical contact remains separable. Practical Relevance. The carried out studies make it possible to improve the technical and operational characteristics of the laser gyroes. The use of additional mechanical cleaning of surfaces of optical parts and vacuum heating of the assembly in the process of laser sensor production may significantly improve the reliability, integrity, period of storage and operation.


Subject of Research.The tasks of dynamic systems provision in the stable state by means of ensuring of trite solution stability for various dynamic systems in the education regime with the aid of their parameters tuning are considered. Method. The problems are solved by application of ideology of the robust finitely convergent algorithms creation. Main Results. The concepts of parametric algorithmization of stability and steady asymptotic stability are introduced and the results are presented on synthesis of coarsed gradient algorithms solving the proposed tasks for finite number of iterations with the purpose of the posed problems decision. Practical Relevance. The article results may be called for decision of practical stabilization tasks in the process of various engineering constructions and devices operation. 
The paper deals with linear differential equation systems with algebraic restrictions (singular systems) and a method of interval observer design for this kind of systems. The systems contain constant time delay, measurement noise and disturbances. Interval observer synthesis is based on monotone and cooperative systems technique, linear matrix inequations, Lyapunov function theory and interval arithmetic. The set of conditions that gives the possibility for interval observer synthesis is proposed. Results of synthesized observer operation are shown on the example of dynamical interindustry balance model. The advantages of proposed method are that it is adapted to observer design for uncertain systems, if the intervals of admissible values for uncertain parameters are given. The designed observer is capable to provide asymptotically definite limits on the estimation accuracy, since the interval of admissible values for the object state is defined at every instant. The obtained result provides an opportunity to develop the interval estimation theory for complex systems that contain parametric uncertainty, varying delay and nonlinear elements. Interval observers increasingly find applications in economics, electrical engineering, mechanical systems with constraints and optimal flow control.


Subject of Research. The paper deals with experience in the use of advanced technology of aeroacoustic treatment of materials for impact toughness improvement of the 40X type constructional steel samples. The method is based on the influence of pulsating air stream with oscillating shock-wave structures on the sample. As a result, the so-called Maxwell's waves are generated in the sample, that can lead to a beneficial transformation in the micro- and substructure and also in the phase structure of hardened steels. Obtained changes may be enough to improve impact toughness and decrease the residual stresses that arise in the course of previous treatments. Distortion of components decreases in this case, and failure probability becomes lower at the further treatment and operation. The advantage of technology is elimination of the additional heat treatment, for example, of the relaxation annealing that serves to reduce the residual stresses. This can be useful, particularly, for the preservation of high hardness and wear resistance, obtained by hardening and low-temperature tempering (about 200 ° C), as the relaxation annealing has typically a higher temperature and will result in their reduction. The toughness increase of the samples is assumed as an indicator of the positive impact of the considered treatment. Main Results. We have defined characteristics and modes of experimental acoustic transducer implementing the aeroacoustic processing. Experiments have been carried out on the impact assessment of aeroacoustic effects on the toughness of widely used 40X type steel. The obtained results enable to suggest that the application of aeroacoustic treatment for samples hardened by heat treatment leads to the toughness increasing of the investigated material. In this case an increased value of hardness obtained after heat treatment is maintained. Practical Relevance. The results supplement previously obtained experimental data for aeroacoustic processing of metallic materials. They can be used (after increasing data statistical reliability) in development of component treatment technology, where there is important to have high hardness and wear resistance with adequate toughness.
Subject of Research.The paper presents research results of optical properties of potassium-alumina-borate glass, activated with ions of iron and manganese. The formation process of nanocrystals of manganese ferrite MnFe2O4 in potassium-alumina-borate glass host was studied. Magneto-optical characteristics were analyzed. Method. The studied glasses were synthesized by the method of charge melting in the crucible. Potassium-alumina-borate glass system was used (K2O-Al2O3-B2O3) proposed by S.A. Stepanov (Vavilov State Institute). Glass system was doped by 3 wt% of Fe2O3 and 2 wt% MnO by weight (composition 1) and 2 wt% Fe2O3 and 1 wt% MnO by weight (composition 2). The glass transition temperature was 430 °C. Segregating of the crystal phase of manganese ferrite MnFe2O4 occurred during heat treatment at 550 °C for 2 hours in a programmable muffle furnace. The absorption spectrum in the wavelength range 200-2000 nm was recorded with Perkin Elmer Lambda 650 and Varian Cary 500 spectrophotometers. The XRD patterns were obtained on Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray diffractometer by copper anode with a wavelength λ (Cu) = 0.15418 nm. Magneto-optical Verde constant was measured by the angle of polarization plane rotation of the passing light through the sample when the sample is placed in magnetic field. Main Results. New technological modes of potassium-alumina-borate glass synthesis doped with ions of iron and manganese were developed and studied. It is established that during heat treatment nanocrystals of manganese ferrites are evolved with an average size of 18 nm. These glasses have a Verde constant equal to 0.9 arc.min/(cm·Oe). It is shown that obtained glasses possess high absorbance in ultra-violet and visible light spectrum. Practical Relevance. Proposed and analyzed nanoglass-ceramics could be accepted as a basis for creation of sensing environments for sensors current and magnetic field and for creation of optical isolators based on the Faraday effect.


The paper focuses on the creation of enterprise management information systems with the property of behavior. Behavior of information system is considered from the standpoint of its functions targeted expansion; the need for them arises from the variability of the external and internal environment. To create a system with behavior, integrated information systems are encouraged to be used constructed from highly specialized, low functional applications. Classification criteria of information systems with behavior are proposed by a set of functions, by options of control transfer to the application, by the integration level of information system components. Classification is revealed by integration levels of information system components. Within the classification four options for structural models of information systems are suggested. The first option is based on the integration of message brokers with achieving of automatic data transfer and the launch of the relevant applications. The second option is based on an integrated database that enables applications to operate in accordance with established regulations. The third version of the integration is carried out on the level of services and gives the possibility to build structures with preliminary uncertain configuration of intern applications for the actual problem solution. The fourth option is based on integration level of the interpretation of metadata for distributed database systems and applications that interact with these databases. The system behavior comes into existence in case of new application automatically exchanges input and output data with the other components of information system and has the possibility of flexible parameter setting of functions interaction.
Subject of Research.Software reliability and test planning models are studied taking into account the probabilistic nature of error detection and discovering. Modeling of software testing enables to plan the resources and final quality at early stages of project execution. Methods. Two dynamic models of processes (strategies) are suggested for software testing, using error detection probability for each software module. The Erlang distribution is used for arbitrary distribution approximation of fault resolution duration. The exponential distribution is used for approximation of fault resolution discovering. For each strategy, modified labeled graphs are built, along with differential equation systems and their numerical solutions. The latter makes it possible to compute probabilistic characteristics of the test processes and states: probability states, distribution functions for fault detection and elimination, mathematical expectations of random variables, amount of detected or fixed errors. Evaluation of Results. Probabilistic characteristics for software development projects were calculated using suggested models. The strategies have been compared by their quality indexes.  Required debugging time to achieve the specified quality goals was calculated. The calculation results are used for time and resources planning for new projects. Practical Relevance. The proposed models give the possibility to use the reliability estimates for each individual module. The Erlang approximation removes restrictions on the use of arbitrary time distribution for fault resolution duration. It improves the accuracy of software test process modeling and helps to take into account the viability (power) of the tests. With the use of these models we can search for ways to improve software reliability by generating tests which detect errors with the highest probability.
Subject of Research. Westudied a method of estimating the object distance on the basis of its single defocused photograph. The method is based on the analysis of image defocus at the contour points corresponding to borders of photographed objects. It is supposed that the brightness drop in not defocused image of border can be simulated with an ideal step function – the Heaviside function. Method. The contours corresponding to local maxima of brightness gradient are detected in the initial image to be analyzed and recorded for further analysis. Then the initial image is subjected to additional defocusing by a Gaussian filter having the dispersion parameter of defined in advance value. The ratios of local gradient values for the initial and additionally defocused images are then calculated at the contour points, and the defocus values of initial image at the points of objects borders are estimated based on these ratios. A sparse map of relative remoteness is built on the basis of these estimations for the border points of photographed objects, and a dense depth map of relative distances is then calculated using a special interpolation technique. Main Results. The efficiency of described technique is illustrated with the results of distance estimation in the photographs of real environment. Practical Relevance. In contrast to the widely applied stereo-technique and distance measurement methods analyzing the sets of defocused images, the investigated approach enables dealing with a single photograph acquired in a standard way without setting any additional conditions and limitations. If the relative remoteness of objects may be estimated instead of their absolute distances, no special calibration is needed for the camera applied, and the pictures taken once previously in diversified situations can be analyzed using the considered technique.
Subject of Research. The paper deals with the problem of multiple face tracking in a video stream. The primary application of the implemented tracking system is the automatic video surveillance. The particular operating conditions of surveillance cameras are taken into account in order to increase the efficiency of the system in comparison to existing general-purpose analogs. Method. The developed system is comprised of two subsystems: detector and tracker. The tracking subsystem does not depend on the detector, and thus various face detection methods can be used. Furthermore, only a small portion of frames is processed by the detector in this structure, substantially improving the operation rate. The tracking algorithm is based on BRIEF binary descriptors that are computed very efficiently on modern processor architectures. Main Results. The system is implemented in C++ and the experiments on the processing rate and quality evaluation are carried out. MOTA and MOTP metrics are used for tracking quality measurement. The experiments demonstrated the four-fold processing rate gain in comparison to the baseline implementation that processes every video frame with the detector. The tracking quality is on the adequate level when compared to the baseline. Practical Relevance. The developed system can be used with various face detectors (including slow ones) to create a fully functional high-speed multiple face tracking solution. The algorithm is easy to implement and optimize, so it may be applied not only in full-scale video surveillance systems, but also in embedded solutions integrated directly into cameras.
PRECISION, SPEED AND COMPLEXITY OF DEVICES FOR IMAGE CODING BY CONTROL POINTS Almahrouq Muhib M., Bobrovsky Alexei I., Eid Musa M., Sokolov Yuri M., Salem Ali , Fahmi Shakeeb S
Subject of Research. We have proposed a method, algorithms and devices for image coding and decoding by control points without switching to the spectral domain of the signal in order to determine information quality indicators of image processing systems. Formalized consideration of the coding devices complexity stimulated by the creation and development of VLSI and systems on a chip requires revision of "efficient" encoding concept, since not only the transmission accuracy (error) and the transmission speed, but also complexity enters the circle of considered variables taken into account at the source encoding. Method. The proposed approach is based on the application of: firstly, spatial-recursive method of partitioning the images into polygons of various shape and size when searching the reference feature points of the images; secondly, regular and irregular triangulation algorithms at the recovery phase of the resulting image. Main Results. As a result of the simulation of image coding and decoding algorithms based on control points we have obtained three-dimensional graphic comparison of data quality indicators: error, transmission speed and complexity of devices for coding and decoding by control points with the other known image coding algorithms. Practical Relevance. The proposed algorithms for images partition and search of control points along with low significance of difficulty give the possibility: firstly, to reduce the transmission rate by 1.5-2 times as compared to standard algorithms for spectral conversion; secondly, to have a compact representation of video information in the form of one-dimensional dynamic array of control points with the possibility of semantic analysis and the transition from standard formats for video data transmission and storage to specific forms, focused on solving specific problems.
Subject of Research. The paper deals withthe process of visual concept building based on two unlabeled sources of information (visual and textual). Method. Visual concept-based learning is carried out with image patterns and lexical elements simultaneous conjunction. Concept-based learning consists of two basic stages: early learning acquisition (primary learning) and lexical-semantic learning (secondary learning). In early learning acquisition stage the visual concept dictionary is created providing background for the next stage. The lexical-semantic learning makes two sources timeline analysis and extracts features in both information channels. Feature vectors are formed by extraction of separated information units in both channels. Mutual information between two sources describes visual concepts building criteria. Main Results. Visual concept-based learning system has been developed; it uses video data with subtitles. The results of research have shown principal ability of visual concepts building by our system. Practical Relevance.Recommended application area of described system is an object detection, image retrieval and automatic building of visual concept-based data tasks. 
The paper presents anew mathematical method for parasitic signal analyzing. NICV (Normalized Inter-Class Variance) method allows reducing considerably of computing and time expenditure in carrying out side channel attacks. To analyze NICV efficiency mathematical statistics methods and theory of probability were used. The paper presents an algorithm implementing NICV within a developed software package. The main shortcomings of the existing solutions have been taking into consideration during development of the new software: architecture of the presented software is easily extensible for adding new tools; unified format is used for all processing data. NICV was tested on the first round of 64-bit Data Encryption Standard algorithm. To assess the effectiveness two attacks based on differential power analysis and correlation power analysis have been simulated. Another advantage of the package is flexibility in adding of new methods for processing, saving, both original information and its new statuses in the database after carrying out signal processing.Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) are considered as a serious threat for data protected by cryptographic devices. Therefore such devices must be tested for resistance to these attacks. It should be taken into account that SCA are very powerful tool but they require significant computation capacity, especially in case of countermeasures. Presented software package program can help to analyze cryptographic devices on resistance to SCA and implemented NICV method allows decreasing of time and computation costs.
The paper deals with description of several speech recognition systems for the Egyptian Colloquial Arabic. The research is based on the CALLHOME Egyptian corpus. The description of both systems, classic: based on Hidden Markov and Gaussian Mixture Models, and state-of-the-art: deep neural network acoustic models is given.  We have demonstrated the contribution from the usage of speaker-dependent bottleneck features; for their extraction three extractors based on neural networks were trained. For their training three datasets in several languageswere used:Russian, English and differentArabic dialects.We have studied the possibility of application of a small Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) corpus to derive phonetic transcriptions. The experiments have shown that application of the extractor obtained on the basis of the Russian dataset enables to increase significantly the quality of the Arabic speech recognition. We have also stated that the usage of phonetic transcriptions based on modern standard Arabic decreases recognition quality. Nevertheless, system operation results remain applicable in practice. In addition, we have carried out the study of obtained models application for the keywords searching problem solution. The systems obtained demonstrate good results as compared to those published before. Some ways to improve speech recognition are offered.
The paper deals with video data transmission in format H.264/SVC standard with QoS requirements satisfaction. The Sender-Side Path Scheduling (SSPS) algorithm and Sender-Side Video Adaptation (SSVA) algorithm were developed. SSPS algorithm gives the possibility to allocate video traffic among several interfaces while SSVA algorithm dynamically changes the quality of video sequence in relation to QoS requirements. It was shown that common usage of two developed algorithms enables to aggregate throughput of access networks, increase parameters of Quality of Experience and decrease losses in comparison with Round Robin algorithm. For evaluation of proposed solution, the set-up was made. The trace files with throughput of existing public networks were used in experiments. Based on this information the throughputs of networks were limited and losses for paths were set. The results of research may be used for study and transmission of video data in heterogeneous wireless networks.


The paper deals with the possibility of complex formation of therapeutic Semax peptides with lysine dendrimer by molecular modeling methods. Dendrimers are often used for delivery of drugs and biological molecules (e.g., DNA, peptides and polysaccharides). Since lysine dendrimers are less toxic than conventional synthetic dendrimers (e.g., polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer), we chose them and studied two systems containing dendrimer and the different number of Semax peptides. The study was carried out by molecular dynamics method. It was obtained that the stable complexes were formed in both cases. The equilibrium structures of these complexes were investigated. These complexes can be used in the future in therapy of various diseases as Semax peptides have significant antioxidant, antihypoxic and neuroprotecting action.
We investigate two 2D quantum systems, each consisting of a waveguide and a resonator, connected through narrow holes. Systems features are studied by the solution of scattering problem. We use zero-width slits model, where the finite radius is changed by infinitely-small one. In the framework of the proposed model, exact solutions are found and scattering problem is solved for both systems using the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators. Obtained results are then used to calculate current-voltage characteristics of suggested systems. We show that obtained characteristics have steplike kinks disappearing with the temperature growth or increase of system sizes. Parameters are calculated with the effect still observable. The results may be useful in the design of electronic devices such as nanoelectronic transistor based on resistance control in a waveguide.
The paper deals with modeling results of the double fed induction machine with current control in the rotor circuit. We show the most promising applications of electric drives on the basis of the double fed induction machine and their advantages. We present and consider functional scheme of the electric drive on the basis of the double fed induction machine with current control. Equations are obtained for creation of such machine mathematical model. Expressions for vector projections of rotor current are given. According to the obtained results, the change of the vector projections of rotor current ensures operation of the double fed induction machine with the specified values of active and reactive stator power throughout the variation range of sliding motion. We consider static characteristics of double fed machine with current control. Energy processes proceeding in the machine are analyzed. We confirm the operationpossibility of double fed induction machine with current controlin the rotor circuit with given values of active and reactive stator power. The presented results can be used for creation of mathematical models and static characteristics of double fed machines with current control of various capacities.
Subject of Research.The problems of insufficient strength of the EM log sensor are studied. The EM log sensor design for deep-sea vehicles is analyzed; a mathematical model of EM log sensor is built. The design and technological solutions that improve the performance of this type of log are shown. Method. The study was performed using the finite element method in the ANSYS software. The calculations were performed in the static structural module, in which the load was created in the way that simulated the external hydrostatic pressure. To check the reproducibility the analysis of model was carried out by built-in assessment of the quality elements. All materials are taken to be isotropic. Main Results. The ways of increasing the strength of outboard tools for measuring the ship speed are presented. Calculating results of the stress-strain state of devices under the influence of seawater at various depths were obtained by the method of finite element analysis. The technological features of the sensor production are shown. The recommendations for changing the log construction to increase its strength, supported by computer modeling, are given. Practical Relevance. The discussed ways of increasing the strength of the device enable to expand implementation area. The results can be applied in the modernization of the design and construction of new EM log sensor operating at high pressures.


Fluorine-phosphate glasses doped with CdSe quantum dots were studied. As a result of glasses secondary heat-treatment, quantum dots were synthesized with sizes equal to 1.2-4.5 nm. Strong confinement was studied in two energy transitions (excited states of quantum dots) on photoluminescence excitation spectra. Experimental dependencies for the first and second energy transition on the nanoparticles size enable to conclude that no interaction occurs with fluorine-phosphate glass matrix and quantum dots. 
TECHNICAL VISION SYSTEM FOR THE ROBOTIC MODEL OF SURFACE VESSEL Gromov Vladislav S., Vlasov Sergey M., Borisov Oleg I., Pyrkin Anton Alexandrovich
The paper presents results of work on creation of technical vision systems within the training complex for the verification of control systems by the model of surface vessel. The developed system allows determination of the coordinates and orientation angle of the object of control by means of an external video camera on one bench mark and without the need to install additional equipment on the object of control itself. Testing of the method was carried out on the robotic complex with the model of a surface vessel with a length of 430 mm; coordinates of the control object were determined with the accuracy of 2 mm. This method can be applied as a subsystem of receiving coordinates for systems of automatic control of surface vessels when testing on the scale models.
For the first time, we received and studied the spectral properties of AgCl nanocrystals in fluorine phosphate glass. It was shown that the increase of heat treatment duration leads to the long -wavelength shift of the exciton absorption band and the increase of its intensity. The average size of the AgCl nanocrystals was 2.50 - 3.70 nm. With a decrease in temperature of the glass with AgCl nanocrystals from 25°C to -196°C the shift of the maximum of the exciton absorption towards the short wavelength region took place.
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