doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-1-16-23


E. A. Eremeeva, E. A. Pidko, A. V. Vinogradov, A. V. Yakovlev

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For citation: Eremeeva E.A., Pidko E.A., Vinogradov A.V., Yakovlev A.V. Inkjet printing of alumooxide sol for deposition of antireflecting coatings. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 16–23. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-1-16-23


Subject of Research. This work describes for the first time the formation of antireflective coating on the base of boehmite phase of AlOOH with low refractive index (1.35) by inkjet printing on the nonporous substrate. This method gives the possibility to increase the contrast of colorful interfering images by 32% obtaining by inkjet printing of titanium dioxide sol. The usage of this technology enables to obtain patterns with wide viewing angle and makes them highly stable. Methods. Traditional sol-gel method with peptizing agents and heating for 90oC  was applied for sol synthesis. Then the mixture was under sonic treatment for the obtaining of viscous sol. The viscosity was determined by Brookfield HA/HB viscometer, and the surface tension by Kyowa DY-700 tensiometer. Aluminum oxide ink was deposited on polished slides (26×76 mm2, Paul Marienfeld, Germany), over titanium oxide layer. To print titania ink, we use a desktop office printer Canon Pixma IP 2840 and Dimatix DMP-2831. The thickness of an inkjet AlOOH layer after drying in the air and removal of the solvents did not exceed 150 nm with an RI not less than 1.35 in the entire visible range. Results. The stable colloidal ink was obtained for the first time on the base of aluminum oxide matrix with neutral pH. The rheology was regulated by controlling parameters of sol-gel method in the system of aqueous titanium dioxide sol and by adding ethanol that affects the charge of double electrical layer of disperse phase. The controllable coalesce of drops enables to apply antireflection coating within the thickness accuracy of 10 nm. The morphology of particles and the topology of printed structures were analyzed by optical, scanning electron and atomic-force microscopes. Practical Relevance. We have proposed the approach to obtain colorful, interference patterns using two types of high refractive inks with different refractive indexes. The inkjet printing method opens new opportunities for preparing optical waveguides and forming photon-induction panels for new generation of computers. 

Keywords: interference, inkjet printing, heterostructures, sol-gel, boehmite, AlOOH, antireflection coatings

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