doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-3-511-520


R. M. Mokretsov, M. M. Zaslavskiy

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Article in Russian

For citation: Mokretsov R.M., Zaslavskiy M.M. Platform architecture for development of mobile applications with outdoor-quests. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 511–520 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-3-511-520

 Subject of Research. The paper presents the review of existing platforms for development of mobile applications with outdoor-quests.  A method for automation design and planning of outdoor-quests is proposed.  The principles for development automation of mobile applications containing such quests are described. Method. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in procedural quest generation based on a set of limitations.  The architecture combines the usage of open technologies with quests generation and includes special tools for automated creation of outdoor quest templates on various subjectsas well as customizable application templates.  Main Results. Experimental research was carried out for evaluation of the proposed architecture features. By implementing quest generator and application templates a demo Android application was created. The application consisted of two quests: manually created and generated one. The generated quest was made by quest generator and extended by human. The application was published at Play Market Store. The experiment goal   was to measure how long will it take for application users to find different quest object and how long will it take to pass the quest all over in order to determine the differences in generated and manually created quests. As a result of comparative measurements a conclusion was made about allowable difference between quests because it was less than attention cycle duration for humans. This fact demonstrates that generated quests can be used in the same manner as manually created ones. Practical Relevance. The proposed quest generator can be used for wide range of topics because quest object selection is based on keyword search and quest route geometry criterion application. The solution also has practical significance because mobile applications developed with the use of the proposed architecture can be adapted to different domain areas. Wherein mobile application development time is reduced owing to automation and customizable templates usage.

Keywords: outdoor-quests, outdoor-quest generation, Android, mobile applications

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