doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-6-1066-1073


E. Y. Furta, I. M. Shabalina

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Article in English

For citation:
Furta E.Yu., Shabalina I.M. Approaches to analysis of genotype and phenotype relation with QTL methods. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics , 2018, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1066–1073 (in English). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2018-18-6-1066-1073


The paper describes methods of QTL-analysis in the research of the genotype influence. QTL-analysis is a statistical method that connects phenotypic data with genotype, enables the determination of the exact localization and gene influence power. The QTL mapping idea is to phenotype observation and identification of the genome region on which the genotype is associated with the phenotype. With the help of molecular-genetic markers, molecular maps of individual chromosomes and genomes are made, genes and QTLs mapping are performed on them. Thus, genes with the greatest connectivity to phenotype were identified. The correlation between genotype and phenotype is studied across the full genome of the individual. The data provided by the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of the innate immunity of Petrozavodsk State University were the initial data in this research. The essence of the project, carried out jointly with the laboratory, is to study the arrays of genetic information to identify and model the relationships between the genotype and the phenotype of biological organisms. The second-generation mice hybrids of lines C57BL/6 and MOLF were involved in the experiment. Genotyping and phenotyping were conducted based on sequencing data (determination of amino acid and nucleotide sequence) of matrix RNA. The practical result of the work is the identification of chains of activated genes, under the influence of which the cells of the tissues and organs under research die (apoptosis). The result of the study is a technique for analyzing the relationship between a phenotype and a genotype, through which groups of significant phenotypes were identified.

Keywords: QTL, molecular maps, genotype, phenotype, biological pathways

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