doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-1-74-81


V. S. Sibirtsev, S. A. Stroev

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For citation:
Sibirtsev V.S., Stroev S.A. New optical-electrochemical microbiotesting system for valuation of oil products toxicosafety. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 74–81 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-1-74-81

A new, integrated, instrumental, optical-electrochemical, microbiotesting system is described. This system can be used to assess the toxicity of various products and wastes, as well as the degree of environmental safety of various rooms, reservoirs, territories and sources of environmental pollution. A technique is presented as an example of the analysis carried out using the described system. This technique comprises incubation of Chlorella vulgaris tanks for 12 hours in the presence of various concentrations of 5 typical oil products in an aqueous solution containing sucrose with various mineral additives. At the same time, the elastic light scattering efficiency in the wavelength range of 820–915 nm (Iod), the optical density in the wavelength range of 435±5 nm (Avd) and the value of the redox potential (Е) were measured in each of the mentioned containers during the entire time of their incubation with an interval of 60 minutes. Then, ΔIod/Δτ, ΔAvd/Δτ, ΔE/Δτ values were calculated at each time τi, as well as partial and total degrees of activation or inhibition (+/–) of C.vulgaris vital activity by given concentration of each tested oil products. As a result, it was shown that the change in Iod characterized to a greater extent the intensity of growth and reproduction of C.vulgaris; whereas the change in E characterized to a greater extent the metabolic activity of test microorganisms. At the concentrations of the tested oil products equal to 2×10–3 vol.% and more, the higher concentrations of these products were in the medium and the more they contained aromatic components and chemically active groups, the greater degree of inhibitory effect on C.vulgaris they had. On the other hand, at the concentrations of the same oil products equal to 2×10–5 vol.% and less, the vital activity of C.vulgaris was activated even by very chemically active aromatic hydrocarbons. Moreover, the degree of such activation was so much the less, the more heterogeneous mixture of various hydrocarbons was present in the test sample. Thus, we were certain that the presented microbiotesting system provides the researcher with a sensitive, express, accessible and informative method for assessing the pro- and antimicrobial activity of various products and wastes, as well as the environmental safety of various premises and territories.

Keywords: biotesting, oil products, antimicrobial activity, nephelometry, redox potential

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