
Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-306-313
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Penskoi A.V., Platunov A.E., Kluchev A.O., Gorbachev Ya.G., Yanalov R.I. High-level synthesis system based on hybrid reconfigurable microarchitecture. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 306–313 (in Russian).
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-2-306-313
Subject of Research. The paper presents research of state-of-the-art methods of real-time hardware / software systems development based on FPGAs and SoCs. High-level synthesis system based on the hybrid reconfigurable NISC/TTA microarchitecture is proposed. Method. The work is based on analysis and synthesis of computer architectures and their design methods within Model-Driven Engineering, High-Level Synthesis and Hardware/Software Codesign methodologies. Main Results. Analysis of academic and commercial tools for development of hardware/software systems based on FPGAs and SoCs is performed. The key factors are determined limiting the wide introduction of high-level synthesis tools in industry. The ideology and architecture of the high-level synthesis system are developed on the basis of the original reconfigurable NISC/TTA microarchitecture. The prototype of the considered EDA system is developed. The synthesis tool and the synthesis process control interface are among the most valuable outcomes and give the possibility to explore the results of synthesis decisions made by the tool, and control the process either manually or automatically. The visualization interface of the target computational process is implemented that allows for effective representation of its multi-level organization. The end-to-end testing system is developed enabling verification of compliance between a synthesized system and its functional model. Practical Relevance. The tools implemented as part of the CAD prototype have made the synthesis process transparent and manageable for the designer and demonstrated the possibility of finding compromise design solutions in semi-automatic mode. We managed to control flexibly heuristics in the synthesizer operation, not only reducing design iterations, but also making the process convergent in principle, which is not provided by alternative technologies in many cases. NISC/TTA microarchitecture played an important role in this process. Solution of a number of test problems has shown that this design platform can be recommended for implementation of control algorithms in real-time systems and for the application in system dynamics modeling.
Keywords: embedded systems, CAD, systems on chip, high level synthesis (HLS), multilevel reconfiguration, FPGA, hardware/software and architecture/compiler CoDesign, NISC, TTA
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