Vladimir O.
D.Sc., Prof.
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-3-516-522
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Subject of Research. The task of energy consumption reducing and energy efficiency improvement is one of the key ones when designing systems on a chip. The main parameters affecting power consumption are the clock frequency and supply voltage. Determination of these parameters values under given technological and time constraints is the main goal of optimization. The paper discusses the ways of energy efficiency assessment for digital integrated circuits. An optimization criterion for one of the architectures of digital blocks is derived. Method. A method for parametric optimization of digital integrated circuits for micromechanical sensors is proposed. The method gives the possibility to optimize the parameters of computing devices according to the criterion of minimum energy consumption. Main Results. The methodology approbation results are presented on the example of sequential and pipelined architectures of digital blocks. Practical Relevance. The proposed technique can be used in the development of digital integrated circuits for any manufacturing technology and provides the evaluation of the parameters for digital integrated circuits with their optimization in the given constraints.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the project No. 19-08-00052 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Federation.
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