doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-650-656


I. K. Volkov

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Volkov I.K. Electronic file formation technique. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2019, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 650–656 (in Russian).
doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2019-19-4-650-656


Subject of Research. The paper presents a technique for forming and functioning of electronic documentation management applicable for electronic files formation in open and close electronic documentation management systems. The task of automated electronic files formation in open and close electronic document management systems is solved using the field of knowledge developed on the basis of nomenclature of files, books and journals for the current year formed by applying the document list with document retention periods. Method. Mathematical apparatus of graph theory and propositional logic (predicates) is implemented in the subject area of electronic document flow forming and functioning. Electronic files formation procedure in electronic document flow system is realized through directing of developed documents to a performer, according to the characteristics that put an electronic document in compliance with a specific electronic file. Main Results. Automation of new electronic files keeping and forming is the technical result of study. In order to reach the technical result, the fields of knowledge are considered formed at the development of nomenclatures of files, books and journals in organization. For this purpose, feature space is created using the elements of graph theory and propositional logic (logic of predicates), that characterizes documents, and relevant to the particular file according to the nomenclature of files, books and journals. The result of distribution gives the possibility to make proper marks in the electronic document accounting forms and to form requisites; then the electronic document is attached to the electronic file. Within the methodology, the tree of electronic file choice was built for an electronic document attaching. An algorithm for automated generation of electronic file was developed, and its software implementation was performed. Practical Relevance. Practical relevance of the study lies in minimization of the distribution term for developed documents into electronic files by performers, realization of automatic formation of electronic files according to the given criteria and preparation for their direction to the electronic archive.

Keywords: technique, formation, file, electronic document management, algorithm, archive

Acknowledgements. The work was performed in Krasnodar Higher Military School within the implementation of dissertation research in the field of electronic document management systems.

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