doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-6-936-941

Spline-wavelet bent robust codes 

A. B. Levina, G. A. Ryaskin

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For citation:
Levina A.B., Ryaskin G.A. Spline-wavelet bent robust codes. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2021, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 936–941 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2021-21-6-936-941

The paper examines the application and properties of bent functions of various degrees to construct R-robust codes with a spline wavelet grid for the protection against side-channel attacks. The use of the bent function of various degrees in coding algorithms allows changes the robust parameters and the information coding time. Higher degrees of bent functions in robust coding algorithms increase the likelihood of detecting errors in the transmission or storage of data. In comparison, smaller degrees reduce the time for coding information but at the expense of robust properties. As part of the coding algorithm, it is possible to change the degree of the bent function through the use of the spline-wavelet decomposition; for this, it is necessary to change the process of generating the spline-wavelet grid. In this work, bent functions were compiled from nonlinear functions and elements of the spline-wavelet composition. Based on the results obtained, a new construction of a spline-wavelet robust bent code was proposed. The use of spline wavelets allows one to change the designs and parameters of codes during execution, which increases the security of the system against attacker’s actions. The distinction between the given code constructions lies in the use of different grids for the spline-wavelet transform and in the choice of bent functions of various degrees. The developed design of a robust code has a lower probability of error concealment in the case of using a high-degree bent function, while a lesser degree entails a faster coding time compared to existing robust codes. These code constructions can be used to protect against side-channel attacks when storing and transmitting information in communication systems.

Keywords: robust codes, bent functions, spline-wavelet decomposition of information, side channel attacks, attack on computational errors

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the state Assignment No. 075-01024-21-02 dated 29.09.2021 (the project No. FSEE-2021-0015).

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