doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-1-67-73

An algorithm for detecting RFID-duplicates

N. V. Voloshina, A. A. Lavrinovich

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Article in Russian

For citation:
Voloshina N.V., Lavrinovich A.A. An algorithm for detecting RFID duplicates. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2022, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 67–73 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2022-22-1-67-73

The problem of using duplicate RFID tags by attackers is becoming more and more actual with the expansion of RFID technology for marking imported goods. The duplicate may contain information about goods, which differs from their actual characteristics. This paper proposes an algorithm for detecting RFID duplicates as a method for achieving the integrity of information that enters the information systems of international goods transportation. The relevance of creating an algorithm deals with the need to reduce the risk of creating and using RFID duplicates by importers during the cross-border movement of marked goods. Existing duplicate detection algorithms are unsuitable for use in the RFID-marking system of goods imported into Russia. The algorithm hinders an attacker from reading data from the original RFID tag, which is necessary to create an RFID duplicate. The proposed algorithm is based on dividing the EPC memory area of an RFID tag into parts and using the tag self-destruction command (kill) to prevent unauthorized readings. The authors considered the scenarios for implementing the algorithm and identified the risks of using the algorithm. The algorithm is presented as a graphical model based on BPMN notation. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using the hypergeometric probability formula. The results of a selective check of RFID tags by the customs authorities were taken as the initial data. It is shown that, in comparison with the existing approach, the implementation of the algorithm in software and hardware complex increases the probability of detecting RFID duplicates, provided that control is carried out only in relation to high-risk declarants. The use of the algorithm reduces the risk of receiving distorted or inaccurate data in the information systems dealing with international goods transportation and increases the validity of legal and economic decisions taken in the information systems of customs authorities.

Keywords: RFID technology, RFID mark, RFID duplicate, RFID marking, information system, EPC memory, kill command, information integrity, marking of goods

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