I. P. Gurov

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Peculiarities of signals formation in spectral interferometry and optical coherence tomography are considered. Basic relations are given defining minimal depth coordinate value of an investigated object, where single period of spectral interference signal is acquired and a value of the wave length increment set according to the depth range, where spectral interference signals are registered. The estimate of resolving power of the spectral interfereometry and optical coherence tomography systems with tunable wave length is given taking into account a spectral range of wave length tuning. It is shown that the ratio of the wave length mean value and the range of the wave length tuning defines the resolving power in depth of an investigated object, while the maximum depth range, within which investigation of an object’s micro structure by the spectral optical coherence tomography is possible does not depend on the range of the wave length tuning being determined by the wave length (wave number) tuning step. Numerical estimates of the parameters mentioned above are presented when using light sources in near infrared range, as well as relations and estimates of interference fringe visibility dependent on registered relative intensity of a measuring wave.

Keywords: spectral interferometry, optical coherence tomography, reconfigurable wave length

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