M. V. Zhukov

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Micro and nanostructure of petals and flowers of pink rose family having super hydrophobic phenomenon known as "lotus effect" was studied by optical and scanning probe microscopy. Quasi-ordered corrugated structure was found on the surface of the rose petals. It represents the ensemble of smoothed shape peaks like a lotus leaf structure. Structure saving during dehydration of rose petal (for 5 days) by drying in the air under normal conditions was found, the difference is apparent in the density of the arrangement and shape of the peaks, which in case of dehydrated rose petal have a smoother shape. Thus, the typical distance between the structure peaks of the native rose petal was 25-30 mkm, average peak height was 8 mkm, the peak width at half- height was about 15 mkm, peak top approximated by a sphere had a radius of about 2-3 mkm, the slope angle of the surface tangent to the peak axis was about 38-42º. Characteristic distance between the peaks for a dried rose petal is reduced to 20-25 mkm, the average peak height was 8 mkm, the width of the peak at half - height was about 18 mkm, peak top approximated by a sphere had a radius of about 5-6 mkm, the slope angle of the surface tangent to the peak axis was about 40-50º. A thin nanostructure of separate peak was examined on a dried petal, which consists of longitudinal bands of about 150-300 nm in height and about 2-3 mkm in width. While visualizing of rose stem leaves, a cellular structure with micro-pores and nanometer canals on the surface was discovered. The analysis of surface roughness on different parts of investigated objects was held. A single peak roughness was about 650 nm for a living rose petal, 300 nm for dried rose petal, roughness of the rose stem leaf was about 65-70 nm with sizes of scanned areas equal to 10x10 mkm. Studies were conducted on the integrated optical module Optem of Ntegra Aura microscope (NT-MDT, Russia) and on the scanning probe microscope NanoEducator LE (NT-SPb, Russia).

Keywords: rose, atomic force microscopy, super hydrophobics, surface roughness, scanning probe microscope

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