T. M. Zubkova, E. N. Ishakova, M. A. Tokareva

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A method for multi-criteria optimization of the design parameters for technological object is described. The existing optimization methods are overviewed, and works in the field of basic research and applied problems are analyzed. The problem is formulated, based on the process requirements, making it possible to choose the geometrical dimensions of machine tips and the flow rate of the process, so that the resulting technical and economical parameters were optimal. In the problem formulation application of the performance method adapted to a particular domain is described. Task implementation is shown; the method of characteristics creation for the studied object in view of some restrictions for parameters in both analytical and graphical representation. On the basis of theoretical research the software system is developed that gives the possibility to automate the discovery of optimal solutions for specific problems. Using available information sources, that characterize the object of study, it is possible to establish identifiers, add restrictions from the one side, and in the interval as well. Obtained result is a visual depiction of dependence of the main study parameters on the others, which may have an impact on both the flow of the process, and the quality of products. The resulting optimal area shows the use of different design options for technological object in an acceptable kinematic range that makes it possible for the researcher to choose the best design solution.

Keywords: vector optimization, parametric synthesis, cubic spline, multi-criteria optimization, program system, optimum area, technological process, technological object

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