doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2015-15-5-942-949


P. V. Bulat, P. V. Denissenko, V. V. Upyrev

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For citation: Bulat P.V., Denissenko P.V., Upyrev V.V. Asymmetrical interference of counter oblique shock waves.Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2015, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 942–949.


Subject of Study. The paper deals with data on the interference of shock waves with different intensity and slope angles to the flow of them. This problem is related to the problem of designing air intakes to the internal compression and detonation combustion engines in stationary overdriven detonation wave. A regular form of interference and irregular Mach one are considered. Intensity calculations of reflected shock waves for both cases are given. As shown below, there is a possibility of a very large difference in the intensity of the reflected shocks. Main Results. We describe transition criteria from regular to irregular reflection of counter shocks: von Neumann criterion and a stationary Mach configuration criterion. Intensity dependences of the reflected intensity shocks from the interaction of colliding shock waves are presented both for the case of regular interaction, and irregular interference. We demonstrate intensity dependence of a reflected shock wave on the intensity of the two interacting shock waves, as in the transition from regular to irregular reflection, in accordance with von Neumann detaching criterion, and in accordance with a stationary Mach configuration criterion. In the first case, the transition is accompanied by an abrupt change in the intensity of the reflected shock; in the second case, the intensity varies in a continuous manner. Practical Relevance. The results supplement interference theory of stationary gas-dynamic discontinuities and are usable in the design of advanced air intakes of internal compression supersonic and hypersonic aircrafts.

Keywords: shock wave, Mach reflection, counter shock waves, shock-wave structure, hysteresis.

Acknowledgements. The work was carried out under financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Agreement No.14.575.21.0057).

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