doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-1-159-171


M. V. Tchernycheva, S. V. Sychev, A. S. Chirtsov

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For citation: Tchernycheva M.V., Sychov S.V., Chirtsov A.S. A calculation of semi-empirical one-electron wave functions for multi-electron atoms used for elementary process simulation in nonlocal plasma. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 159–171. doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-1-159-171


Subject of Research. The paper deals with development outcomes for creation method of one-electron wave functions of complex atoms, relatively simple, symmetrical for all atom electrons and free from hard computations. The accuracy and resource intensity of the approach are focused on systematic calculations of cross sections and rate constants of elementary processes of inelastic collisions of atoms or molecules with electrons (ionization, excitation, excitation transfer, and others). Method. The method is based on a set of two iterative processes. At the first iteration step the Schrödinger equation was solved numerically for the radial parts of the electron wave functions in the potential of the atomic core self-consistent field. At the second iteration step the new approximationfor the atomic core field is created that uses found solutions for all one-electron wave functions. The solution optimization for described multiparameter problem is achieved by the use of genetic algorithm. The suitability of the developed method was verified by comparing the calculation results with numerous data on the energies of atoms in the ground and excited states. Main Results. We have created the run-time version of the program for creation of sets of one-electron wave functions and calculation of the cross sections and constants of collisional transition rates in the first Born approximation. The priori available information about binding energies of the electrons for any many-particle system for creation of semi-empirical refined solutions for the one-electron wave functions can be considered at any step of this procedure. Practical Relevance. The proposed solution enables a simple and rapid preparation of input data for the numerical simulation of nonlocal gas discharge plasma. The approach is focused on the calculation of discharges in complex gas mixtures requiring inclusion in the model of a large number of elementary collisional and radiation processes involving heavy particles in different quantum states.

Keywords: multi-electron atoms, one-electron wave functions, self-consistent field, atomic core polarization, Born method, electron impact ionization, electron impact excitation, optimization, genetic algorithms

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