I. B. Bondarenko, A. I. Ivanov

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The paper deals with design principles of the multi-agent system for prediction and calculation of reliability parameters of heterogeneous, diversified electronic modules. One-parameter models of failures distribution are less accurate and do not take into account the specifics of failures occurring in the base of modules. That’s why the issue has for an object the possibility to use two-parametric models of the timing intensity distribution of failures and determination of parameters for models on the basis of equipment test results on actuating factors. Prediction of reliability parameters for modules is carried out by means of numerous agents, united in a system. It includes heterogeneous agents carrying out information exchange with the user. Developed system structure is presented and the work of separate subsystems is described. The facility to add new agents-prediction techniques is available and they form a library. Prediction results depend on the chosen calculation method of reliability parameters on a specific enterprise, therefore, the developed prediction system use both standard distribution of reliability parameters and received by the method of group assessment of arguments. Selection of models for prediction is done on the basis of the calculated values of standard deviation. The output of work results is performed in a graphical form. Testing carried out on the data received during the electronic module checkout makes it possible to confirm the correctness and effectiveness of the developed approach. The developed system will give the possibility to reduce time for checkout and processing of testing results for complex electronic modules, especially manufactured at the enterprises of electronic industry for the first time.

Keywords: multi-agent system, LN-, DM- and DN-distributions, reliability, electronic modules, group assessment of arguments, tests

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