A. A. Margun, K. A. Zimenko, D. N. Bazylev, A. A. Bobtsov, A. S. Kremlev

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The paper deals with the issue of control for a two-link robot manipulator under disturbances and inaccurately known parameters of the system. A method for adaptive independent control of the two-link robot manipulator based on the method of consecutive compensator is proposed. Adaptability is provided by adaptive adjustment coefficients of the consecutive compensator, and its independence consists in independent control of each link of the manipulator separately from the others. Meanwhile, non-linear effect of other links is considered as a limited external disturbance in the control channel. Dynamic equation of the manipulator was received by the Euler-Lagrange method, taking into account the effect of dynamics of manipulator engines. Since the proposed method has the simplicity of engineering implementation as compared to other adaptive methods of controlling manipulators, its usage on real objects in industry seems to be attractive. During the method simulation it was assumed that disturbances have the form of shifted harmonic signal. A series of simulations for a two-link manipulator system was conducted with the proposed controller. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of this method in terms of external and internal disturbances. Comparison of this method with the PD controller was made. During the simulations, it was demonstrated that the proposed approach provides lower output error value than manipulator control using PD controller.

Keywords: manipulator, adaptive control, output control

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